Hack The Boo 2023: SpellBrewery
Writeup for the “SpellBrewery” challenge created by Hack The Box for the Hack The Boo 2023 CTF.
Writeup for the “SpellBrewery” challenge created by Hack The Box for the Hack The Boo 2023 CTF.
Writeup for the “Vaults of Time” challenge created by muemmemlmoehre for the Hackfest CTF 2023.
Writeup for the “Phone to the Future” challenge created by muemmemlmoehre for the Hackfest CTF 2023.
Writeup for the “Lost in History” challenge created by TheRage for the Hackfest CTF 2023.
The AES algorithm is widely used today, whether it’s for encrypting a connection to a website, encrypting data on your hard drive, or storing passwords in your favorite password manager. It has bee...
This is the story and the technical details of how the hacker group named Fail0verflow (formerly known as Team Twiizer) discovered and exploited numerous vulnerabilities to defeat the security mech...
Writeup for the “HF Doom” challenge created by @MaxWhite for the Hackfest CTF 2022.
Writeup for the “File Type Detective 2.0” challenge created by @dax for the Hackfest CTF 2022.
Writeup for the “Just a bit of reverse and coding” challenge created by @salt for the Hackfest CTF 2022.
Writeup for the “Internet of Torments 2.0” challenge created by @Miu. for the Hackfest CTF 2022.